Saturday, January 27, 2007

Pioneer Response

I never really paid attention to how many objects dealing with multimedia we use everyday.
Norbert Wiener described Cybernetics as, “the science of transmitting messages between man and machine, or from machine to machine”. As I continued reading, I realized that people today use multimedia or multimedia related technology everyday. I for one can’t function without my cell phone. Numerous communications and technology are being created to enhance the accurateness of machine to human relations. Though as I’m sure it was in the past, it is today, Useful technology is only accessible to those of a more luxurious class rather than people as a whole. You can even find that there are more efficient computers and navigational GPS systems being installed in cars with Bluetooth technology to help the human communicate better beyond his/her possessions than there are lower class computer systems being distributed into some of the under funded schools. Norbert’s theory for cybernetics was to improve the quality of mankind’s existence in a technological society, where people are increasingly reliant on machines. Has cybernetics succeeded? I believe so. How many of us can honestly go a week without using technology?